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Carpal Tunnel in Frisco

Carpal Tunnel FriscoCarpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is usually caused by repetitive motion, such as typing, texting, or assembly line work, increasing the amount of irritation or inflammation going to the wrist. Over time, such actions may produce pain and injury.

At Venn Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we see pinched nerves in the neck as the cause in 99% of our cases, due to poor posture. Most people with carpal tunnel in Frisco experience tingling or numbness in the fingers and hand or weakness in the hand.

What many don’t realize is that the problem may be due to functional changes to joints in the neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist.

Our Natural Approach to Carpal Tunnel Treatment in Frisco

If needed, we do an extraspinal adjustment for the wrist. After that, a specific chiropractic evaluation of the neck is done to locate nerve impingement. If found, we provide gentle chiropractic care to the area to release the pressure off the nerve, and adjust your upper spine.

It may also be advisable to rest the affected arm and perform specific carpal tunnel Frisco exercises. You can also wear a splint or brace to immobilize the area which is a short-term solution in acute cases but can provide relief in the beginning of care.  In most cases, we recommend exercises to strengthen the opposing muscles, which have become weaker.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I wear a wrist brace for my CTS? How many visits will I need? I’ve previously had surgery for my CTS; can chiropractic still benefit me?

Book an Appointment

If you’re suffering from carpal tunnel in Frisco, we want to help. Contact our Frisco practice today to schedule a no-obligation consultation.



Carpal Tunnel Treatment in Frisco, TX | (972) 668-9200